Welcome to the Help Centre.

Here, you will find FAQs, user guides, and short videos to support your use of the HFL Education Hub. Click on the topics below to access support.

If you can't find the support you need, please contact the Events team by emailing training@hfleducation.org or calling 01438 544477.

We will be launching a new series of Support Webinars in September which you will be able to find links to on this page. Details will be sent to organisation admins over the Summer.

Not available unless: You are a member of the Audience: Eastern Partnership users

Looking for help for Eastern Partnership UK (SEND) courses? 
Please contact us here or easternp.send@hfleducation.org (Masters suite) easternp.gateway@hfleducation.org (Level 3 and 4 Qualifications) Telephone number: 01438 544469

Yes, we can!

The HFL Education Hub provides you with more autonomy in the purchase and management of your school's training. We would recommend that school admin staff attend one of the live training sessions above, to learn about features such as booking on behalf of colleagues, transferring training, and managing your school staff and their bookings.

Please contact us on training@hfleducation.org if you have immediate questions, and we will endeavour to help.

Yes, we can!

The HFL Education Hub uses the AT Accessibility
Toolbar, allowing you to make adjustments to text size and colour, as well as
providing screen filters and other tools. Read instructions on how the AT bar works here.

We endeavour to make our eLearning
courses accessible and have solutions in place for most customer needs – please
contact us if there is anything we can do to make our learning products
accessible to you.