An introduction to Sixth Form funding & links to the curriculum (including 40 additional hours of funding)

Venue: Hertfordshire Development Centre

About this course:

This event will explain the ESFA 16-19 funding formula and provide a complete overview of funding factors, links between the funding and post-16 curriculum, and how you can maximise funding opportunities.  

This funding event is aimed at delegates new to post-16 funding that would like to gain knowledge on the principles of 'qualification' hours and 'non-qualification' hours in accordance with ESFA and Ofsted guidance.

Learning outcomes:

Delegates will:

review, and refresh how funding is generated for school sixth forms and understand the ESFA Business and Funding Cycle
understand how 16-19 Study Programmes impact on ESFA funding and curriculum decisions
explore the 40 additional hours policy, and review the ESFA auditing and eligibility guidance

  • Event Type: Training: In-person
No Future Events Planned Yet
Price: £70.00
VAT (20%) £14.00
Total: £0.00