Inclusive Practice for Underserved Learners 2024-25

This is a ticket package consisting of all six sessions within the Inclusive Practice for Underserved Learners.

HFL Education is pleased to announce a series of 6 x 90 minute twilight webinars (4-5.30pm) focusing on ‘Inclusive Practice for Underserved Learners’ in 2024-5.

The six session themes are:

  • 26th September 2024 – Who are your underserved learners and how can you better use data to ensure the inclusion of Underserved Learners?

  • 12th November 2024 - How to ensure that all learners have a sense of belonging at your school.

  • 12th December 2024 - How to grow the status and sense of self efficacy of Underserved Learners.

  • 20th January 2025 - How to tackle unconscious bias amongst staff about the potential of Underserved Learners.

  • 4th March 2025- How to develop impactful relationships with Underserved Families.

  • 1st April 2025 - How to develop a culture of equity rather than equality

Target audience:  Headteachers, CEOs, Chairs of Governors/Trustees, PP links governors/trustees, SEND link governors/trustees, PP Leads. SENCOs, INCOs, Pastoral Leaders, Phase Leaders, Subject Leaders (primary, secondary, mainstream and special)

Course leader: Rachel Macfarlane, HFL Lead Adviser for Underserved Learners

Course format: 6 live webinars, 90 mins each. A mixture of keynote, sharing of research, best practice practical strategies and provocations, with guest input from some Herts school leaders involved in innovative practice, discussion (in chat rooms/forums) and Q & A.  

Aims & Objectives:

  • To support leaders in better serving their underserved learners
  • To examine what truly inclusive practice looks like
  • To assist with closing the attainment gap between PP eligible learners and their more advantaged peers
  • To equip governors to be effective critical friends in championing the needs of underserved learners
  • To aid the impactful use of data, at all levels, to effect impactful inclusion
  • To support in the development of effective parental engagement

Delegates will leave each session equipped with impactful strategies for raising attendance, participation, attainment and a sense of belonging and wellbeing of all pupils, but especially for underserved learners. 

Please add the number of tickets you wish to purchase to your basket. The cost is the same regardless of the amount you purchase.

  • Event Type: Training: Webinar
Quantity Discounts:
Quantity: 10 £299.00 (Bulk)
VAT (20%) £59.80
Inclusive Practice for Underserved Learners 2024-25 - Who are your underserved learners and how can you better use data to ensure the inclusion of Underserved Learners?
16:00 - 17:30 26/09/2024
Inclusive Practice for Underserved Learners 2024-25 - How to ensure that all learners have a sense of belonging at your school
16:00 - 17:30 12/11/2024
Inclusive Practice for Underserved Learners 2024-25 - How to grow the status and sense of self efficacy of Underserved Learners
16:00 - 17:30 12/12/2024
Inclusive Practice for Underserved Learners 2024-25 -How to tackle unconscious bias amongst staff about the potential of Underserved Learners.
16:00 - 17:30 20/01/2025
Inclusive Practice for Underserved Learners 2024-25 - How to develop impactful relationships with Underserved Families
16:00 - 17:30 04/03/2025
Inclusive Practice for Underserved Learners 2024-25 - How to develop a culture of equity rather than equality
16:00 - 17:30 01/04/2025
Total: £358.80
/ 407