Arbor New Year Setup for Primary Schools - webinar

About this course

This live webinar explains how to carry out the new school year setup in Arbor in order for a smooth transition into the next academic year. It is an 8 step process and can be used alongside guidance found in document DMS215.

It is vital that the New School Year Setup processes in Arbor are carried out in the Summer Term to enable a smooth transition into the next academic year. This webinar will demonstrate how to carry out all of these processes including creating the new academic year and promoting pupils from one year group and registration group to another.

Learning Outcomes

Provide delegates with the knowledge, skills and opportunity to be able to complete their new school year setup in Arbor to ensure a smooth transition into the new academic year in September. These Include:

  • adding admission groups
  • creating the new school year
  • setting up, promoting year groups and registration forms
  • copying/adding custom groups
  • copying/adding houses
  • updating courses and classes (registration times)
  • copying meals
  • copying interventions

Learning Outcomes

  • provide delegates with the knowledge, skills and opportunity to be able to complete their new school year setup in Arbor to ensure a smooth transition into the new academic year in September

  • Event Type: Training: Webinar
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Price: £59.00
VAT (20%) £11.80
Total: £0.00