Fixing Full Stops across Key Stage 2

About this training

Some children may start KS2 with weak subject knowledge in the area of sentence structure and punctuation. This is demonstrated by their inaccurate use of full stops which is a significant barrier to progress. It is important therefore, that any weakness in sentence structure is identified and addressed so that you can support your children to move to the next step of learning with confidence.

This training will provide you with the skills and subject knowledge needed to help these children to progress. As a result, your KS2 pupils will be able to write correctly demarcated sentences within their writing.  The training will also support your school to ensure there is a consistent approach to the teaching of sentence structure and a clear progression in children’s sentence writing skills from Y1 through to Y6.

Video footage of ‘teaching in action’ is used throughout the training to help exemplify good practice. When attending this training you will receive a two-week unit plan which incorporates the tried and tested techniques for improving sentence structure and demarcation. You can choose to use this at a whole-class level, or as plans to support a small group of target children.

Brief session overview:

  • Session 1: A pre-record to support grammatical subject knowledge accessible 1 week prior to course date
  • Session 2: Knowing the key stage and year group expectations and recognising the potential barriers to learning. Identifying and exploring key subject knowledge to support children to make progress in this challenging area of learning. Exploring tried and tested techniques aimed at supporting children to improve sentence structure and demarcation.
  • Session 3: Twilight to reflect on progress and identify next steps through continued CPD

Learning Outcomes

  • understand the expectations for sentence structure and demarcation for the primary phase;
  • recognise indicators that a child is struggling in this area of learning;
  • develop familiarity with tried and tested approaches to support children to improve sentence structure and demarcation;
  • improve subject knowledge linked with the KS2 programme of Study

Additional Information

You should bring a sample of your own children’s books to refer to within the training. You are advised to have access to a copy of the text used for the planning document: The Spider and the Fly by Mary Ann Howitt, illustrated by Tony DiTerlizzi.

  • Event Type: Blended
Price: £198.00
VAT (20%) £39.60
09:00 - 12:15 01/10/2024
15:00 - 17:00 03/12/2024
50 Available
09:00 - 12:15 29/04/2025
15:30 - 17:00 24/06/2025
50 Available
Total: £0.00