HR Admin in Arbor

About this course

During the Course we will look how to add and browse staff, create new staff, create new contracts, manage and update pay scales and allowances. As well as how to manage business roles, permissions and positions held within the school.

The accurate recording of staff data in the HR Admin module of Arbor will aid school staff to produce and analyse reports for the senior leadership team and create accurate School Workforce Census Returns.

Delegate's will:

  • explore the data held on a staff profile including those required for school workforce census
  • gain an understanding of how/where to manage and update payscales
  • various ways of recording and reporting on staff absences
  • explore business roles and permissions along with census role identifiers, linking these to positions.
  • how to record accurate staff contracts, including contract types.
  • adding and managing positions held within the school

Learning Outcomes

  • to have confidence in managing staff profiles and contracts
  • an understanding of how to manage business roles and permissions
  • confidence in managing and updating pay scales and allowances

Additional Information

Delegates should bring their own laptops

  • Event Type: Training: In-person
No Future Events Planned Yet
Price: £135.00
VAT (20%) £27.00
Total: £0.00