Reading Fluency Across the Primary Curriculum

About the course

Reading fluency instruction is, quite rightly, a hot topic across the sector. Use this opportunity to incorporate research-based approaches and transform your curriculum and pedagogy from the ground up.   

Our course provides you with a comprehensive approach to teaching reading fluency that spans the entire curriculum. We will teach you how to weight the impactful strategies used in HFL Education's Reading Fluency Project, and how to artfully thread them through all subjects from science to PSHE, mathematics to languages. We will empower you to create a fluency-rich learning environment. 

Our experienced Reading Fluency Project specialists will use their expertise and knowledge to guide you through a range of practical strategies, real-world examples, and hands-on activities.  

Much of the learning that takes place across the school day is hooked into the complex skill of reading. We use this knowledge to bring whole class, simple to implement, high-impact pedagogy to all your subjects to support pupils to access learning, regardless of their starting points. Learn how to use ongoing reading assessment to tailor your teaching strategies across the curriculum to meet to the diverse needs of your pupils. 

Connect with a community of teachers, dedicated to promoting reading fluency across the curriculum. Share ideas, collaborate on projects, and stay inspired by the success stories of your peers. 

Join us on the journey to create a classroom where reading fluency becomes the key to unlocking a world of knowledge in every subject.  


 Learning Outcomes

  • explore practical approaches to assessment and teaching of reading fluency across the curriculum 
  • define and explore reading fluency instruction across the curriculum
  • investigate the most effective evidence-based practices 

  • Event Type: Training: Webinar
Price: £160.00
VAT (20%) £32.00
09:00 - 15:45 11/03/2025
92 Available
09:00 - 15:45 05/06/2025
97 Available
Total: £0.00