KS2 Reading Fluency Project: Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) trial - information webinar

About this course

As part of the Department for Education’s Accelerator Fund, the EEF has commissioned an efficacy trial of HFL Education’s KS2 Reading Fluency Project. This free webinar will provide details about the trial and how to join.

Please note the eligibility criteria for participation in the trial before signing up to attend this webinar:

Eligibility Criteria

HFL Education will recruit 180 schools to this trial.

The trial is open to state schools in the UK who meet the following eligibility criteria to qualify for a place on this trial:

  • are a state-funded school in England;
  • will have a Year 6 cohort in autumn 2024;

 i.    within this cohort, schools must be able to identify 6-8 pupils who meet the following criteria (more detailed guidance on pupil selection will be shared with schools who secure a place on the trial):

  • are assessed as being not on track to meet age-related expectations in reading at the end of KS2;
  • are not able to demonstrate adequate comprehension of texts deemed to be in line with age-related expectations;
  • have passed the Phonics Screening Check (PSC) in year 1 or 2 and/or are now able to decode individual words in a similar assessment.
  • are not taking part in any of the EEF trials listed below:
  1. Fixing Fluency
  2. Reading Plus
  • have not taken part in KS1 or KS2 Reading Fluency Project training delivered by HFL Education (or delivered in collaboration with one of our national partners) within the last 3 years.

There will be time within the webinar to ask questions; a request for questions in advance will also be sent to all those who sign up to attend.

This session will be recorded and will be made available to view on request after the event.

  • Event Type: Training: Webinar
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