Assessing Year 2: secure teacher assessment at Key Stage 1

About this course:

End of Key Stage 1 assessment may no longer be statutory, but checking what pupils have secured at this milestone in their primary learning remains incredibly important.

This full day, online course will explore Year 2 assessment in Maths, Reading and Writing. We will look at the resources available from STA, as well as the role high quality day-to day formative assessment plays in ensuring accurate assessment judgements of pupils. 

Learning outcomes:

  • Confidence in making secure teacher assessment judgements;
  • Clear understanding of the STA assessment materials available for Maths, Reading, and Writing;
  • Practical ideas for incorporating quality low-stakes assessment strategies into day-to-day teaching.

  • Event Type: Training: Webinar
No Future Events Planned Yet
Price: £140.00
VAT (20%) £28.00
Total: £0.00