Advice and Best Practice in Administering KS2 SATs tests and Phonics Screening Checks 2024/25
About this course
This webinar will explore the complete process of administering KS2 SATs and Phonics Screening Checks from start to finish, including ensuring test security at all times, correct procedures on the day, expectations of all adults involved and taking steps to minimise the risk of maladministration or allegations.
Best practice that has been observed in schools, as well as situations to avoid, based on our extensive experience in this area, will be shared and discussed.
Frequently asked questions will be addressed, and delegates will have opportunities to ask questions about particular scenarios.
Learning Outcomes
- Fully understand the process and requirements of administering statutory tests, including maintaining test security
- Learn from best practice and advice to ensure a smooth process and avoid maladministration
- Event Type: Training: Webinar
VAT (20%)
15:45 - 16:45 19/03/2025