Allocated licenceA licence for a course that has been purchased in the shop and has been assigned to a member of staff within that organisation. This “registers” them on the course and allows them to attend/access it. |
Buy for colleaguesSelect this when purchasing in the shop if you want someone within your organisation to attend the course. This will be the only option that appears if you are purchasing more than 1 of any single shop item. |
Buy for selfSelect this when purchasing in the shop if you are the one who the course is for and you will be accessing it. |
DashboardThe page you land on when you login. It contains links to different areas of the Hub you need and is also where you can access courses fromthat you are booked onto. |
LicenceGrants access to a course. A licence is purchased in the shop when selecting “Buy for colleagues” and is what an Org |
Org AdminA person within an organisation who has the ability to purchase course licences for colleagues as well as themselves. In organisations which are able to pay by invoice, Org Admins are the only ones who have the ability to purchase by invoice. |
Unallocated licenceA licence for a course that has been purchased in the shop but has not yet been assigned to a member of staff. This means no one is “registered” to attend the course and therefore will not be able to attend/access it. |
User/learnerA person within an organisation. They do not have the ability to purchase for others or raise invoices on behalf of their organisation. They are able to be booked onto courses by Org Admins. |