Key Stage 1 Reading Fluency Project: Years 2 and 3 - Summer 2025

About this course

HFL Education's highly successful Reading Fluency Project is now available for Year 2 and 3 teachers and pupils. Our previous rounds have proved hugely successful. In just eight weeks, 78% made more than six months’ progress in reading comprehension age and accuracy reading age improved by 11 months on average.

This project has been designed to address the issues that we find many of our year 2 and 3 pupils are faced with: insufficient sight vocabulary and an over-reliance on sounding out, insufficient stamina to move on with reading in readiness for KS2, lack of fluency and comprehension skills when reading. This project offers strategies that will have a swift and powerful impact on pupils’ reading achievement in a short space of time. Following successful implementation of the project, pupils in Year 2 and 3 will be on an improved trajectory towards the expected standard, have a more positive relationship with books; be more enthusiastic, confident readers with an increased understanding and engagement with texts.

The project will focus predominantly on the need to improve pupils' reading fluency of sufficiently complex texts. The past few years have seen increased reference to the need to develop fluency in reading. The DfE exemplification materials and test papers highlighted heightened expectations around swift comprehensive reading. A lack of fluency impacts upon understanding, motivation, confidence and rates of progress. Research has shown that specific instruction around fluency enables pupils to free up cognitive space which can be directed more effectively towards other activities “… such as comprehension, analysis, elaboration and deep understanding.” [Hattie 2014]

The project incorporates a range of high-quality CPD elements, including:

Project launch on 25th April 2025 9:00am - 3:00pm, incorporating of three sessions 

  • Session 1 09:00-11:00 - live webinar and self paces eLearning module
  • Session 2 11:00-12:30 - live webinar
  • Session 3 13:30 - 15:00 - live webinar
Twilight session on 14th May 2025, 3:00pm-5:00pm (delivered as a 2 hour live webinar)

Early-project, paired, remote consultancy meeting (two hours)

Final review 15th July 2025, 3:00pm-5:00pm (delivered as a 2 hour live webinar)

Please note: Live sessions are recorded and will be available to access for one week after delivery.

In addition, schools will be asked to purchase assessment materials (if they are not already used in school), which will support in judging the impact of the project. The HFL advisory team will support with analysis at the school visit.

The project cost covers the inclusion of two teachers (who will deliver the sessions) and a project lead (this may be the English subject leader).

Learning Outcomes

  • teachers and leads will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to implement the project successfully to support those pupils who are working below year group standards in their reading
  • teachers and leads will be able to share this learning with colleagues to ensure that improved progress is secured for more pupils beyond the initial project pupil group

Please make sure you have completed the On-line Partnership Agreement form to be registered to the project -  please click here to complete

  • Event Type: Training: Webinar
Price: £890.00
Quantity Discounts:
Quantity: 3 £890.00 (Per unit)
Quantity: 4 £1,040.00 (Per unit)
Quantity: 5 £1,190.00 (Per unit)
VAT (20%) £178.00
Key Stage 1 Reading Fluency Project: Years 2 and 3 - Summer 2025
09:00 - 15:00 25/04/2025
15:00 - 17:00 14/05/2025
15:00 - 17:00 15/07/2025
Total: £1,068.00
Quantity :
/ 200