“Ready for Ofsted” for childminders in Hertfordshire

About this course

By attending this course, existing registered childminders across Hertfordshire will gain understanding and knowledge of the EYFS statutory framework for childminders, including what to expect during the current Ofsted inspection process.

 This course is fully funded by Hertfordshire County Council Early Years Service and is for registered childminders in Hertfordshire only.

Learning outcomes

  • to help you prepare and be ready for the inspection process
  • to consider how you can best promote your provision through inspection activities
  • to be able to demonstrate a reflective approach in driving forward improvements

Additional information

This course is a funded course for registered childminders working with the under 5’s in Hertfordshire only. It is not for group providers or schools.

  • Event Type: Training: Webinar
Price: £0.00
18:30 - 20:00 07/11/2024
36 Available
18:30 - 20:00 03/04/2025
57 Available
Total: £0.00